Trimdon Village photos graphs, details of each photo below and also as photos are viewed
Photo Details:
Gallery 1:
TV01 Prospect Terrace – now Front Street South – Trimdon Village 1930s
TV02 Church Road, Trimdon Village
TV03 Trimdon Village Green in the 1950s
TV04 Trimdon Village Green, Church Road junction
TV05 The Royal cinema, Trimdon Village, programme from 1957
TV06 Map of Trimdon 1861
TV07 Trimdon Youth Club football team, Durham County Cup winners 1959 – 60
TV08 Trimdon Modern School footballers 1955 – 56. T.Defty, M.Forbes, Bob Lennox, G.Scott, A.Walker, A.Fellows, J.Coulson, W.Laverick A.Foster, R.Dukes, J.Robinson, A.Duddin
TV09 Map of Trimdon Village 1939
TV010 Trimdon Modern School 1958
TV011 Trimdon Modern School Class 1A 1957-58
TV012 Trimdon Modern School Class 1960, teacher Mr. Greenwood
TV013 Trimdon Modern School Class of 1969, teacher John Burton
TV014 Trimdon Modern School 1977
TV015 Trimdon Modern School Class 1990
TV016 Trimdon Modern School Class 1990
TV017 Trimdon Juniors Class 2001
TV018 Trimdon Juniors Class 2001
TV019 Trimdon Juniors football team 2001
TV020 Children at the horse trough, Trimdon Village 1915
TV021 Site of former horse trough on green, Trimdon Village
TV022 Front Street North, Trimdon Village in the 1920s
TV023 Latter day Front Street North
TV024 Front Street North, Trimdon Village 1915, Fox and Hounds pub on the left
Gallery 2:
TV025 Latter day Fox and Hounds area
TV026 Front Street North, Trimdon Village around 1915, Fox and Hounds pub on the left
TV027 Front Street / Church Road junction, Trimdon Village
TV028 Prospect Terrace, Trimdon Village 1910 – now Front Street South
TV029 Front Street South, Trimdon Village
TV030 St Mary Magdalene Church, Trimdon Village, in the early 1900s
TV031 St Mary Magdalene Church, Trimdon Village
TV032 St Mary Magdalene Church, Trimdon Village, in the 1960s
TV033 Inside St Mary Magdalene Church, Trimdon Village, in the early 1900s
TV034 St Mary Magdalene Church, Trimdon Village, showing the Lepers Window
TV035 St Mary Magdalene Church, Trimdon Village, football team 1920s
TV036 Gas comes to Trimdon – Mick Terrans turns on the supply 1992
TV037 St Mary Magdalene Church, Trimdon Village
TV038 St Mary Magdalene Church Choir, Trimdon Village, 1929
TV039 Trimdon Village Church – Text description
TV040 Church record of the position of the Beckwith family vault
TV041 Beckwith family vault – below St Mary Magdalene church, Trimdon Village
TV042 Beckwith family vault – below St Mary Magdalene church, Trimdon Village
TV043 Beckwith family vault – below St Mary Magdalene church, Trimdon Village
TV044 Beckwith family vault – below St Mary Magdalene church, Trimdon Village
TV045 Beckwith family vault – below St Mary Magdalene church, Trimdon Village
TV046 Beckwith family vault – below St Mary Magdalene church, Trimdon Village
TV047 Beckwith family vault – below St Mary Magdalene church, Trimdon Village
TV048 Beckwith family vault – below St Mary Magdalene church, Trimdon Village
Gallery 3:
TV049 Beckwith family vault – below St Mary Magdalene church, Trimdon Village
TV050 Trimdon Parochial School, built 1859
TV051 Trimdon Parochial School, enlarged upper floor 1892. Now demolished
TV052 Trimdon Parochial School 1907
TV053 Trimdon Parochial School 1925
TV054 Trimdon Parochial School group 1928
TV055 Trimdon Parochial School 1928
TV056 Trimdon Parochial School class 1929, being presented with Good Attendance medals
TV057 Trimdon Parochial School class 1946
TV058 Trimdon Parochial School Class 2 1950
TV059 Trimdon Parochial School Class 1 1950
TV060 Trimdon Parochial School class 1950
TV061 Trimdon Parochial School 1966
TV062 Trimdon Parochial School class 1950
TV063 Trimdon Parochial School football team 1950
TV064 Trimdon Infants School
TV065 Trimdon Infants School
TV066 Trimdon Infants School 1990
TV067 Trimdon Parochial School Class 1948
TV068 Trimdon Parochial School Class 1950
TV069 Trimdon Past & Present Society Poster, Weekend event September 1988
TV070 West lane, Trimdon Village 1951
TV071 Latter day West Lane, Trimdon Village
TV072 Crossroads, Trimdon Village showing bank Top Terrace 1930s
Gallery 4:
TV073 Bank Top Terrace
TV074 Trimdon Hall, built 1718, inscription above main door (left) reads ‘Brian Roper 1718 A.D.’ Section on right of photo built 1600s
TV075 Trimdon Hall
TV076 Trimdon Hall farm, built like a fortress with turrets facing North, walls were 16ft high, now demolished.
TV077 Trimdon Hall Farm with other stables and granary added later.
TV078 Trimdon Hall farm: the walls were built of Tudor style bricks, were probably built in the 1600s along with the hall.
TV079 Manor Cottages, Trimdon Village, approx 1910
TV080 Manor Cottages, Trimdon Village
TV081 West End – now Front Street South – Trimdon Village 1910
TV082 Front Street South, Trimdon Village
TV083 St. Williams Catholic Church, Trimdon Village, built in 1864, before restoration in the 1980s
TV084 St. Williams Catholic Church, Trimdon Village, built in 1864, before restoration in the 1980s
TV085 St. Williams Catholic Church, Trimdon Village
TV086 St. Williams Catholic Church, Trimdon Village, North facing stained glass windows
TV087 St. Williams Catholic Church, Trimdon Village stained glass window
TV088 St. Williams Catholic Church, built in 1864, Latin inscription reads: For the greater honour and glory of God that there may be piously and lovingly preserved the memory of GUL (William) BECKWITH DUC (General) MIL (Military) HANOV (Knight Commander of the Order of Hanover) Died 23rd February 1871
TV089 Front Street, Trimdon Village around 1915 (Front Street South on left, Front Street North to right)
TV090 Trimdon Workmens Club 1947. New club built early 1950s, later Labour Club built behind
TV091 Front Street, Trimdon Village, Fox and Hounds pub on right
TV092 Entrance to Labour Club, Trimdon Village, St. Williams church just out of view on right
TV093 UK Monetary Value poster
TV094 A Postcard to friends and relatives 1915
TV095 Regans the Builders, Trimdon in the 1930s
TV096 Land and Coal For Sale at Trimdon – Farm Sale notice from 22ndNovember 1848
Gallery 5:
TV097 Carrs Pond, Trimdon 1966, now back to agricultural land.
TV098 Children play at Carrs Pond 1966
TV099 The Devil’s Stone near Charity Land, Trimdon
TV100 The Devil’s Stone Legend; If you run 9 times around the stone (then spat, it is said) and put your ear to the stone you could hear the Devil speak
TV101 George William (Mick) Terrans. Born June 8th 1910 at Easington, then moved to Trimdon at 2 years old. Served on Parish, District and County Councils for 43 years. Photo shows O.B.E. presented by the Queen on 8th December 1993. Sadly Mick died in 1994
TV102 Potshare Bowling Champion Nicholson early 1900s – native of Wheatly Hill
TV103 Chisholm Road, Trimdon Village, before Windsor Square was built 1950s
TV104 Sedgefield Council workers in Trimdon, 1950s
TV105 Council build new estate in Trimdon Village 1950s
TV106 Wynyard Road/Church Road corner in Trimdon Village 1956. (Infants school not yet built)
TV107 Wynyard Road, Trimdon Village
TV108 The group ‘Skerne’ in 1972. L-R Dick Smith on guitar, Don Watson on accordian, John Burton on banjo, Malcolm Stelling on mandolin, Trevor Davison on guitar.
TV109 ‘Skerne’ 2001 after recording the Trimdon Grange Explosion CD. Marshall Thomas on mouth organ, John Burton on banjo, Wayne Morgan with double bass, Edwin Thomas on guitar, Peter Brookes on guitar, Brian Priestley on accordian.
TV110 Farmhouse, Village Farm, Trimdon Village – opposite the church, now demolished
TV111 Site of former Village Farm
TV112 Trimdon Front Street, 1915 (Black Bull right of centre)
TV113 Latter day Trimdon Front Street
TV114 Local trader, Trimdon Village 1915 : More info courtesy of John Robinson, Canada:
TV114 shows my grandfather outside the “Black Bull”, this picture was taken about 1897, not 1915. It shows my grandfather “Lucky Jim” James Robinson in shirtsleeves, his son George Graham holding the reins, my father William in the Eton collar and my aunt Hannah Harrison Robinson in the white smock.
TV115 Latter day Trimdon Front Street
TV116 Black Bull pub, Trimdon Village, around 1910
TV117 Trimdon Old Hall ( Carter’s Farm) prior to demolition around 1965
TV118 Tremeduna, on site of Carter’s Farm, Trimdon Village
TV119 Front Street North, Trimdon Village 1915
TV120 Front Street North, Trimdon Village
Gallery 6:
TV121 View of St Mary Magdalene church from east, showing coffin shaped wall, around 1900
TV122 The Queen’s Coronation Party 1953, in the hall behind the vicarage, Trimdon Village
TV123 Fox hunt meeting outside the Red Lion pub, Trimdon Village, in the 1980s
TV124 Trimdon Village green outside the Red Lion pub, showing St Mary Magdalene church
TV125 Front Street North, Trimdon Village, Red Lion pub on the left, in the 1920s
TV126 Front Street North, Trimdon Village
TV127 The Red Lion pub, Trimdon Village. Built 1690, renamed the Royal George in 1777, then changed back to Red Lion at a later date.
TV128 The Red Lion, Trimdon Village
TV129 Front Street North, Trimdon Village 1920s
TV130 Front Street North, Trimdon Village
TV131 Front Street South, Trimdon Village 1920
TV132 Front Street South, Trimdon Village
TV133 Entering Trimdon Village from Hartlepool via Hurworth Burn road.
TV134 Entering Trimdon Village from Hartlepool via Hurworth Burn road.
TV135 Bottom of Trimdon Village looking towards St Mary Magdalene church, 1915
TV136 St William’s Roman Catholic Junior School, Trimdon 1964
TV137 St William’s Catholic School Infants 1908
TV138 St William’s Catholic School 1926
TV139 St William’s Catholic School Netball Team 1921
TV140 St William’s Catholic School Netball Team 1924 – 1925
TV141 St William’s Catholic School group 1961
TV142 St William’s Catholic School, Trimdon, built 1904 at a cost of £2000
TV143 St William’s Catholic School footballers 1948-49
TV144 St William’s Catholic School footballers 1953
Gallery 7:
TV145 St William’s Catholic School footballers 1954 – 55
TV146 St William’s Catholic School football cup winning team 1959
TV147 St William’s Catholic School football cup winning team 1963, teacher is Tommy Hoban
TV148 St William’s Catholic School football cup winning team 1971. Headteacher William Kirk on left, teacher Tommy Hoban on right
TV149 St William’s Catholic School closes July 1978. The school was built 1904, situated on the back road from Trimdon Village to Trimdon Colliery. It served pupils from all of Trimdon, Sedgefield and the Coxhoe parishes.
TV150 Trimdon Catholic School at Trimdon Village, 1978 (Hartlepool Mail photo)
TV151 St William’s Infants Catholic School, Trimdon Village 1990
TV152 St William’s Catholic School, Netball Team, Trimdon Village 1990
TV153 St William’s Catholic School Football Team 1990
TV154 St William’s Juniors, Trimdon Village 2001
TV155 St William’s Netball Team, Trimdon Village 2001
TV156 St William’s Football Team, Trimdon Village 2001
TV157 Front Street South, Trimdon Village around 1920
TV158 Front Street South, Trimdon Village
TV159 Front Street South, Trimdon Village – Old Trimdon
TV160 Front Street South, Trimdon Village
TV161 Map of Trimdon 1897
TV162 Entering Trimdon from Hartlepool Road (Hurworth Burn) 1975
TV163 Mr Walker and family, local builder 1929
TV164 St William’s Catholic School, Trimdon 2007. Now a private residence and Cat Hotel
TV165 St William’s Catholic School, Trimdon 2007. Now a private residence and Cat Hotel
TV166 St William’s Catholic School, Trimdon 2007. Now a private residence and Cat Hotel
TV167 St William’s Catholic School, Trimdon 2007. Now a private residence and Cat Hotel
TV168 Map of Trimdon 1914
Eddie Pike’s Photo Collections – Trimdon Village